Today I finished Dragon Age 2: Legacy, the first DA2 story-based expansion that I was waiting for oh so long. I'm still not sure what to think about DA2 (the fans of DA: Origins, which I thought was utter brilliant, will know what I mean - too many recycled environments, shallow characters, combat built for 5-year-olds etc ). It obviously wasn't as good as Origins, but I still got hooked. Anyway, BioWare promised to address players' feedback in the expansion, so of course I got very excited to see how exactly they were gonna do that (how much damage control can you really manage with a DLC expansion anyway?)
So let's see, we got new environments (a completely new area that is not the same cave/warehouse copypasted over and over again), a shiny new weapon, more darkspawn, and we actually have to use our brain to kill the main boss, BUT (of course there's a but, a few of them actually) it is so damn short. Seriously, what I expected was 3-4 hours of additional gameplay, even though that's also kinda short but that's the usual length of BioWare DLCs, but I got maybe an hour tops (yes, ONE hour). Take into consideration that I'm far from the zerg-through-the-quest type and that the expansion costs 10$. Oh, by the way, to the Origins fanatics who were outraged over the whole DA2 mess and didn't want to pay for it until it goes on sale on Steam, HA HA, check this out. Seriously BioWare/EA/Steam, Y U NO LIKE US?
Anyway, there's no conclusion to this. I did enjoy DA2 and I did enjoy Legacy, but mostly because I get hooked pretty easily. However, I really look forward to seeing the fans' reaction. I love me some drama.
xoxo, T
1 comment:
Have you tried kill that rock wraith boss without Anders?
Have you tried it on hard setting?
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